Saturday, August 18, 2012

South Dakota - Saving the Wind to the End

Watertown, SD. Today I completed 100 miles among the lakes and byways of northeastern South Dakota. It was a pleasant day for most of the ride: light winds, no hills, and good roads. But the fun was not to last. The final 20 miles were northbound into an uncharacteristic headwind. (Winds in these parts blow normally from the southwest.) I was on track to have made this one of my fastest centuries, but a quirky breeze held me back. I watched my average speed bleed slowly down to just normal.

The lakes that give Watertown its name were really quite pretty. As I traveled, numerous birds would launch themselves from the shoreline.The mirrored surface reflected the billowing clouds from the sky, which seemed to move along the lake surface as I ride.

The local club, the Watertown Bike Club, did a great job setting up the ride. The road markings were pretty easy to follow, and the SAG stops seemed to appear just as I needed them. Plus, the volunteers were friendly and cheerful, and all of us enjoyed the 70-degree sunshine. They had designed a route that would normally get a tailwind at the end, but Mother Nature decided not to cooperate.

I'll add more pictures and narrative in the days ahead, but right now I need my post-century beauty sleep!

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