Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back in the Saddle!

I'm winding down preparations for the Indiana Amishland and Lakes century on Saturday. (Links are on the right column.) I did a dry run metric century last Sunday, and I felt pretty good. Amishland is pretty relaxed: temperatures forecast to be in the mid-80s, and the terrain is flat. I've decided that my mantra will be: you're here to enjoy yourself! If I'm not having fun, then there's no point in going through all this time, expense, and aggravation.

So, I hope to bike 100 miles with a smile on my face on Saturday. I hate to get ahead of myself, but there's lots more to do in the coming two months. Some of them sound like a lot of fun, like Minnesota's Jesse James Century.

I signed up for the Reston Century near here on the 21st. It turns out there really are not many out-of-state options that weekend. I'll do the ride if the weather cooperates, but I've done many centuries in Virginia. There's no need to be a hero -- especially if temperatures reach the boiling point again.

I've also noticed that there's significant weight gain over a century weekend. I think it's human nature to over-compensate for these endurance events. Much has been made about 'carbo loading' in advance of these events, but it may be just hype. I think the best recommendation is to eat a reasonable but not excessive meal the night before, a good breakfast, and top off as you ride along. It's incredibly easy to take in more calories than you ride off. (For the record, I estimate a century rides off more than 5000 calories.) It's a balancing act. If you don't take in enough, you reach the restaurant or the ride dinner famished and start eating the plates and napkins.

I'll post a new map Sunday! Hi Ho, Silver, away!

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