Monday, June 27, 2011


I've been out of the century business, now, for over five weeks. This is a planned break: I had booked a cruise for early June 2011 last summer -- before I decided to get back in shape and resume the century quest. Add in a little family business, and the last long bike ride I took was in late May. I tried a 50-mile ride in the heat about a week ago, and it was a difficult slog.

Thus, I approach this weekend's double-header with trepidation. On Saturday, I'm booked to do the Tour de Locos in Mt. Vernon, MO. This is in the southwestern part of the state in an area with rolling hills. High temperature expected to be 94 degrees. So, I need to:
  • Start early
  • Take it easy
  • Drink lots of Gatorade
  • Rest often
I take Sunday off, and on Monday, the 4th, I'll be doing the Tour of Payne in Stillwater, OK -- high temperature of 96. There will be fewer hills. I'll need to:
  • Start early
  • Take it easy
  • Drink lots of Gatorade
  • Rest often
By Tuesday I should be back in air conditioning. I expect to take a few days off.

I think it's important that I realize the goal: to complete centuries in every state. I set no boundaries on how long I would take to do a century or how fast a pace I would maintain. Thus, if this weekend ends and I have another 200 miles on the odometer, it will have been a success. I should think about leaving my watch at home.