When your body begins to adjust to long-term strenuous exercise, it begins to increase the level of endorphins in the bloodstream. While the actual effect lasts only a few hours, the ability to manufacture endorphins seems to increase as fitness improves, and the overall effect of them rises. At least that seems to be my experience. As I’ve been able to increase my cycling fitness, I feel better and can last longer in the saddle.
But, endorphins create a subtle effect. Normally, you don’t realize you’re experiencing an endorphin high unless you think of it. In my case, one of the women behind the desk at an inn in California asked two of us if we were feeling the endorphin rush. That made me do a little more research.
So, it's a nice benefit and an unconscious motivator to get out on the bike more. You just ‘like the way you feel’ after exercise. I guess addictions – major and minor – are all like that.